Notary Services

Chambers County Library System is pleased to offer notary services free of charge. A designated notary will be available on a first come, first served basis to provide this service. Please call ahead to make sure a notary is available.
Valid photo identification is required: Driver’s License; State ID; Passport; or Current Employee ID. Witnesses, if needed, will not be provided. Witnesses may not be solicited from customers using the library. In order to serve as a witness, a person must personally know the person whose document is being notarized and must be in possession of valid photo identification.
Certain documents cannot be copied and notarized: Birth Certificates; Death Certificates; and Marriage Certificates. In the event that documents have been previously signed or have any issue of authenticity, ambiguity, doubt, or uncertainty for the library, the Notary may, at his/her discretion, decline to provide Notary services.